🪁 Great Plains Aerial Photography homepage 🪁

Kite aerial photography (KAP) is a form of remote sensing—collecting information about an object from a distance. Aerial photography from kites is, in fact, one of the oldest forms of remote sensing of the Earth's surface. Kites were utilized to take aerial photographs in the late 19th and early 20th centuries for many purposes—military reconnaissance, disaster assessment, scientific surveys, etc. KAP images from above the surface gave new perspectives for how people visualized the world, both from practical as well as aesthetic points of view.

Référencé le : 3 Dec 2023 22:15:04 sous l'ID : 192

Nombre de visite de cette page : 119

URL : http://www.geospectra.net/kite/kaphome.htm

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🪁 Great Plains Aerial Photography 🪁

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