🪁 About KAP | Flickr 🪁

All things KAP which aren't images from kites, the kites themselves, the rigs/cradles for the cameras or miscellaneous bits.

Examples/Suggestions: Photos of people in the act of taking KAP photos, photos of well-known KAP personalities, photos from KAP events and gatherings, photos of Egyption security personnel trying to confiscate your KAP gear....

Before posting to this pool, please try to find a more appropriate KAP group in which to post. If none of those fit, this is the place!

Référencé le : 2 Dec 2023 02:21:46 sous l'ID : 156

Nombre de visite de cette page : 149

URL : https://www.flickr.com/groups/kapgeneral

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🪁 About KAP 🪁

Référencé dans la catégorie « Réseaux sociaux »,

... dans la section « Flirck » de notre répertoire.

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